CAD-CAM stands for computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. This is a digital technology that allows people to design and plan dental prostheses as well as to create them. This technology is used to create a number of different dental prostheses such as dentures, veneers, bridges, inlays, crowns, and more. CAD-CAM technology is highly efficient at all aspects of the design and planning of these prostheses as well as their creation. It is also highly accurate and is cost-effective to use. The technology has continued to improve over time, and today’s use of it can help the dentist to get you the prostheses you need in less time and with stunning accuracy.

With the CAD-CAM process, you can get the prostheses you need with fewer dental visits and in less time than before. It has the efficiency to get dental restoration pieces made in less than an hour in many cases. Patients no longer have to wait for weeks to have specific items made by a lab that can now be made in much less time.

We use CAD-CAM technology, and we are available to new patients who need dental prostheses designed and created. Give us a call to make your appointment.